актуални световни тенденции
СТАТИЯ: "Ерозия на почвата"

Наръчник за средствата и методите за почистване и дезинфекция в предприятия на хранително-вкусовата промишленост

каталожен номер: 101011650
650 мл.
продукта е в наличност
Стара цена: 7.00 лева
Спестявате 2.00 лева (- 29 %)
Спестявате 2.00 лева (- 29 %)
5.00 лева
(€ 2.56)
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(€ 2.56)
010 - Еко Макс Био ЕООД, България
ЕКОПРОФИ – концентрат – нископенящ, с лек приятен аромат.
- за почистване на административни сгради,
- бизнес центрове,
- хотели,
- ресторанти,
- магазини,
- производствени помещения,
- машини и др.
Почиства силно замърсени повърхности
- фаянс,
- теракот,
- мрамор,
- инокс,
- алуминиеви повърхности,
- кухненско оборудване,
- кухненски съдове,
- машини,
- пластмасови повърхности
- дограми, стъкло,
- кожа,
- отстранява петна върху дрехи,
- дамаски и килими.
ЕКОПРОФИ е създаден на базата на натурални ПАВ. Не съдържа алергизиращи субстанции. Биоразградим на 100%. Не причинява замърсяване на околната среда и не уврежда здравето на потребителя.
ЕКОПРОФИ е препарат на водна основа. Не съдържа органични разтворители. В него добре са съчетани различни повърхностно активни вещества, които намаляват повърхностните напрежения на замърсяването до степен на разкъсване на ммолекулярните връзки.
ЕКОПРОФИ – препарат с нов метод за почистване. Създаден с цел оптимизиране на санитарно-хигиенните изисквания в хранително-вкусовата промишленост и туризма.
ЕКОПРОФИ се продава в концентриран вид. Разрежда се с вода в зависимост от степента на замърсяване на почистваната повърхност. Това го прави икономически изгоден за сметка на високата ефективност на препарата при ниски концентрации на работните разтвори.
ЕКОПРОФИ – уникални почистващи качества , грижа за здравето на потребителя и опазване на околната среда, предоставен на атрактивно ниска цена – препарат без конкуренция в областта на професионалното почистване.
ЕКОПРОФИ- е незаменимия почистващ препарат в обекти с децентрализирана канализация, където отпадъчните води се обработват в минипречиствателни станции или септични ями. Препарата не влияе негативно на микроорганизмите извършващи декомпозирането на органичните отпадъци и е напълно разградим по биологичен път.
За ефикасно и икономично използване на "Екопрофи"
Почистващи повърхности

За обезмасляване на повърхности - от 50-100мл./1л вода
За силно замърсени замърсявания може да се използва концентрат
Не променя цветовете на тъканите.
Нанасяйте препарата върху повърхностите с пръскалка.
Изчакайте 3 - 5 мин. / в зависимост от замърсяването /.
Изчистете и след това изплакнете с вода или влажна кърпа.
Не променя цветовете на тъканите.
Нанасяйте препарата върху повърхностите с пръскалка.
Изчакайте 3 - 5 мин. / в зависимост от замърсяването /.
Изчистете и след това изплакнете с вода или влажна кърпа.
Information Safety List
According the requirements of the Regulation on classification, packaging and labelling of existing and new chemical substances, Annex16 to Article 41, paragraph1 (SN issue 5/2002 г.)
Producer: “ ECO-MAX-BIO” Ltd.
Date of issue: 10.02.2008 г
Tel/Fax: (+ 359 2 ) 962-12-92
Issue: 01/2008
Replaces issue: new
BULSTAT: 175315349
Pages: 8
Name of the preparation
” ECOPROFY ” - concentrate
1. Name of the preparation and the company
1.1. Name of the preparation:”ECOPROFY” - concentrate.
1.2. Application of the preparation: universal cleansing
( surfaces, kitchen equipment, production lines, machines )
and washing ( machine and hand wash) preparation.
1.3. Name of the company: “ECO-MAX-BIO” Ltd, Sofia
1.4. Contact telephone in case of emergency: Tel/fax:
(+359 2 ) 868-31-23, 862-15-09
2.Ingredients :anionic surfactants and nonionic surfactants, sodium carbonate, dye, fillers and water.
2.1. General characteristic of the chemical agents and their percentage content: Basic compound issodium carbonate – up to 2%. The surfactants percentage is as follows– nonionic up tо 0.6% and anionic – 0.15%. The dyes used are approved as eatables.
2.2. Concentration or border concentration value of the substances classified as hazardous
Hazard symbol,
R – phrases
Anionic surfactants
Xn, R 22
Xi, R 36/38
Nonionic surfactants
Xn,R22,36/38,53 53
Sodium carbonate
Xi, R 36
Border concentration value of some substances in the workplace air
CAS №/
Border concentration value of the substance in the air
In Regulation 13, SN,issue.8/2004 there is no data for the border values of the ingredients in the workplace air.
2.3. Concentration or border concentration value of the substances which are not classified as hazardous:
The used dyes Е 133, Е 110, Е 102, Е 122 are allowed to be used in food preparation (Regulation 8, SN, issue 44/2002) and cosmetic products ( Regulation 26, SN, issue 60/2001 г) .
2.4. Classification of substances on the preceding point:
The dyes Е 133, Е 110, Е 102 and Е 122 are not classified as dangerous.
Name and number of the substances according EINECSor ELINCS.
Anionic surfactants
Sodium carbonate
3. Hazards description:
Hazard symbol: none
Risk phrase: none
General information on exposure: Repeated exposure to high concentrations may cause irritation of skin and eyes. Sensitive individuals may suffer skin dehydration. Ingestion may lead to stomach discomfort, nausea and diarrhea.
Potential health effects:
Main routes of human exposure: through inhaling, skin contact and oral ingestion
In case of contact with eyes: Continuous contact may cause moderate irritation of eyes.
In case of contact with skin: Exposal to very high concentrations may cause skin reddening and dehydration.
In case of inhalation: Sensitive individuals may suffer irritation of the upper respiratory paths.
In case of ingestion: It may lead to stomach discomfort and nausea.
4. First aid measures
4.1. In case of inhaling: Carry the sufferer to fresh air. In case of indisposition and development of intoxication symptoms immediately seek medical aid.
4.2. In case of contact with skin: Immediately put off the stained working clothes. Wash the polluted skin sections with soap and water. If chaffing prolongs, seek medical aid.
4.3. In case of contact with eyes: Immediately wash abundantly with water for15-20 minutes. If irritation prolongs consult a doctor- ophthalmologist.
4.4. In case of ingestion:Rinse the mouth with water.DO NOT CAUSE THROWING UP. Seek medical aid.
4.5. Necessity for qualified medical aid (required or rеcommended): In case of contact with eyes or ingestion – in the presence of symptoms or irritation medical aid should be sought. In case of ingestion- there is no specific antidote. The treatment is symptomatic.
4.6. Special first aid measures to be taken at the workplace: none.
5. Steps in case of fire extinguishment
5.1. Appropriatemeans for fire extinguishment: alcohol stable foam, inert gas, carbon dioxide (СО2), standard and universal powder.
5.2. Means, inappropriate for fire extinguishment for safety reasons:none reported.
5.3. Specific hazards, related to the exposure of the preparation, the descending products of combustion and the liberated gases: – liberation and exposure of carbon oxide.
5.4. Special safety measures for the extinguishers: breathing apparatus with full-face protection.
6.Emergency measures in case of leaking
6.1. Personal Safety Measures: Use working clothes, latex gloves, and protection glasses, good general or local ventilation.
6.2. Environment protection measures:
Locate and stop the leaking. Inform the local authorities. Do not allow pollution of surfaces and subterraneanwaters. Do not allow soil pollution.
6.3. Cleansing methods: It could be absorbed with inert materials (sand, wood shavings or soil). The collected waste is to be treated as household waste.
7.Handling and storage of the preparation
7.1. Handling with the preparation: Observe personal hygiene ─wash your hands before meal, smoking or rest, as well as at the end of the work day. After work change your clothes and have a shower. Immediately replace stained working clothes with clean and dry ones and wash them before using them again.
7.2. Storage: in original, tightly closed package, in dry premises, far away from food and beverages, in temperature lower than 50 оС. Do not expose it to direct sun light.
7.3. Specific usage: none
8. Exposition control and personal safety measures
8.1. Exposition limits:
Not indicated in Regulation 13, SN issue 81/92 г.
8.2. Exposition control
8.2.1. Working place exposition control:Ensure natural aeration. Frequent ventilation of the premises is advisable. Protection of the respiratory paths: Use respiratory mask in production conditions and when preparing solution. Hands protection: Use rubber or latex gloves. Eye protection: Use protection glasses, in production conditions and when preparing solution. Skin and body protection: Wear protective working clothes of impermeable fabric. Use rubber overall when necessary.
8.2.2. Control of the preparation’s impact on environment: Do not allow flowing into the sewage. Avoid pollution of soil, air and water resources.
9.Physical and chemicalproperties
9.1. General information
- Appearance - homogeneous liquid
- Preparation color – either blue or depending on the used dye.
- Form of delivery – bottles of 650 ml, containers of 1 and 5l.
- Odor- specific.
9.2. Significant information, related to human health, safety and environment
pH ( 1 %-of liquid emulsion)
10.0 – 11.0
Burning point (in closed crucible)
over 150оС
Self-ignition temperature
Explosive properties
Oxidation properties
Vapor pressure
1.015 g/cm3, 20 оС
Water solubility
Good solubility
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
Viscosity, kinematical – not less than
Vapor density
Evaporation speed
9.3. Other information - none
10.Stability and reactivity
10.1. Conditions to be avoided: This preparation is stable under normal conditions
10.2. Substances to be avoided: acids
10.3. Hazardous decomposition products: none expected
11. Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
LD50 oral, rat ( estimated ) > 2000 mg/kg body mass.
LD50dermal, rat (estimated) > 2000 mg/kg body mass.-
LC50 respiratory, rat - N/A
Skin-irritating effect, rabbit – N/A
Eye-irritating effect , rabbit – N/A
Skin sensibilitation – N/A .
Chronic toxicity
: N/A.
Remote effects: no data available about the specific effects of the main ingredients.
12Environmental information
Do not allow pollution of the surface and subterranean waters.
12.1. Ecological toxicity – N/A.
12.2. Mobility - N/A.
12.3. Stability anddissociation – over 80% of the surfactants are biologically deсoposable.
12.4. Bioaccumulation potential – N/A.
12.5. Other undesirable effects- N/A.
13. Waste handling
Waste code: 20.00.00 ( Order № RD-323/ SN, issue 120/1998).
Disposal – solved in water and after that led into the sewage.
Package disposal – it is to be treated as household waste.
14.Transport information- it does not present any hazard in case of land transport
15. Information under the terms of the current normative
The preparation is not classified as hazardous.
Safety advice
S 2 Keep away from children.
S 13 Store away from food and beverages.
S 26 In case of contact with eyes wash them immediately with.
S 62 In case of ingestion do not cause throwing up; seek medical aid and show the package or the label.
16.Other information
The data in the Information Safety List correspond to the level of contemporary knowledge to the date of preparation. Since the use of the information and the usage conditions are beyond the company’s control, the consumer of the products is responsible for its safe application.
Producer: “ ECO-MAX-BIO” Ltd.
Date of issue: 10.02.2008 г
Tel/Fax: (+ 359 2 ) 962-12-92
Issue: 01/2008
Replaces issue: new
BULSTAT: 175315349
Pages: 8
Name of the preparation
” ECOPROFY ” - concentrate
1. Name of the preparation and the company
1.1. Name of the preparation:”ECOPROFY” - concentrate.
1.2. Application of the preparation: universal cleansing
( surfaces, kitchen equipment, production lines, machines )
and washing ( machine and hand wash) preparation.
1.3. Name of the company: “ECO-MAX-BIO” Ltd, Sofia
1.4. Contact telephone in case of emergency: Tel/fax:
(+359 2 ) 868-31-23, 862-15-09
2.Ingredients :anionic surfactants and nonionic surfactants, sodium carbonate, dye, fillers and water.
2.1. General characteristic of the chemical agents and their percentage content: Basic compound issodium carbonate – up to 2%. The surfactants percentage is as follows– nonionic up tо 0.6% and anionic – 0.15%. The dyes used are approved as eatables.
2.2. Concentration or border concentration value of the substances classified as hazardous
Hazard symbol,
R – phrases
Anionic surfactants
Xn, R 22
Xi, R 36/38
Nonionic surfactants
Xn,R22,36/38,53 53
Sodium carbonate
Xi, R 36
Border concentration value of some substances in the workplace air
CAS №/
Border concentration value of the substance in the air
In Regulation 13, SN,issue.8/2004 there is no data for the border values of the ingredients in the workplace air.
2.3. Concentration or border concentration value of the substances which are not classified as hazardous:
The used dyes Е 133, Е 110, Е 102, Е 122 are allowed to be used in food preparation (Regulation 8, SN, issue 44/2002) and cosmetic products ( Regulation 26, SN, issue 60/2001 г) .
2.4. Classification of substances on the preceding point:
The dyes Е 133, Е 110, Е 102 and Е 122 are not classified as dangerous.
Name and number of the substances according EINECSor ELINCS.
Anionic surfactants
Sodium carbonate
3. Hazards description:
Hazard symbol: none
Risk phrase: none
General information on exposure: Repeated exposure to high concentrations may cause irritation of skin and eyes. Sensitive individuals may suffer skin dehydration. Ingestion may lead to stomach discomfort, nausea and diarrhea.
Potential health effects:
Main routes of human exposure: through inhaling, skin contact and oral ingestion
In case of contact with eyes: Continuous contact may cause moderate irritation of eyes.
In case of contact with skin: Exposal to very high concentrations may cause skin reddening and dehydration.
In case of inhalation: Sensitive individuals may suffer irritation of the upper respiratory paths.
In case of ingestion: It may lead to stomach discomfort and nausea.
4. First aid measures
4.1. In case of inhaling: Carry the sufferer to fresh air. In case of indisposition and development of intoxication symptoms immediately seek medical aid.
4.2. In case of contact with skin: Immediately put off the stained working clothes. Wash the polluted skin sections with soap and water. If chaffing prolongs, seek medical aid.
4.3. In case of contact with eyes: Immediately wash abundantly with water for15-20 minutes. If irritation prolongs consult a doctor- ophthalmologist.
4.4. In case of ingestion:Rinse the mouth with water.DO NOT CAUSE THROWING UP. Seek medical aid.
4.5. Necessity for qualified medical aid (required or rеcommended): In case of contact with eyes or ingestion – in the presence of symptoms or irritation medical aid should be sought. In case of ingestion- there is no specific antidote. The treatment is symptomatic.
4.6. Special first aid measures to be taken at the workplace: none.
5. Steps in case of fire extinguishment
5.1. Appropriatemeans for fire extinguishment: alcohol stable foam, inert gas, carbon dioxide (СО2), standard and universal powder.
5.2. Means, inappropriate for fire extinguishment for safety reasons:none reported.
5.3. Specific hazards, related to the exposure of the preparation, the descending products of combustion and the liberated gases: – liberation and exposure of carbon oxide.
5.4. Special safety measures for the extinguishers: breathing apparatus with full-face protection.
6.Emergency measures in case of leaking
6.1. Personal Safety Measures: Use working clothes, latex gloves, and protection glasses, good general or local ventilation.
6.2. Environment protection measures:
Locate and stop the leaking. Inform the local authorities. Do not allow pollution of surfaces and subterraneanwaters. Do not allow soil pollution.
6.3. Cleansing methods: It could be absorbed with inert materials (sand, wood shavings or soil). The collected waste is to be treated as household waste.
7.Handling and storage of the preparation
7.1. Handling with the preparation: Observe personal hygiene ─wash your hands before meal, smoking or rest, as well as at the end of the work day. After work change your clothes and have a shower. Immediately replace stained working clothes with clean and dry ones and wash them before using them again.
7.2. Storage: in original, tightly closed package, in dry premises, far away from food and beverages, in temperature lower than 50 оС. Do not expose it to direct sun light.
7.3. Specific usage: none
8. Exposition control and personal safety measures
8.1. Exposition limits:
Not indicated in Regulation 13, SN issue 81/92 г.
8.2. Exposition control
8.2.1. Working place exposition control:Ensure natural aeration. Frequent ventilation of the premises is advisable. Protection of the respiratory paths: Use respiratory mask in production conditions and when preparing solution. Hands protection: Use rubber or latex gloves. Eye protection: Use protection glasses, in production conditions and when preparing solution. Skin and body protection: Wear protective working clothes of impermeable fabric. Use rubber overall when necessary.
8.2.2. Control of the preparation’s impact on environment: Do not allow flowing into the sewage. Avoid pollution of soil, air and water resources.
9.Physical and chemicalproperties
9.1. General information
- Appearance - homogeneous liquid
- Preparation color – either blue or depending on the used dye.
- Form of delivery – bottles of 650 ml, containers of 1 and 5l.
- Odor- specific.
9.2. Significant information, related to human health, safety and environment
pH ( 1 %-of liquid emulsion)
10.0 – 11.0
Burning point (in closed crucible)
over 150оС
Self-ignition temperature
Explosive properties
Oxidation properties
Vapor pressure
1.015 g/cm3, 20 оС
Water solubility
Good solubility
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water
Viscosity, kinematical – not less than
Vapor density
Evaporation speed
9.3. Other information - none
10.Stability and reactivity
10.1. Conditions to be avoided: This preparation is stable under normal conditions
10.2. Substances to be avoided: acids
10.3. Hazardous decomposition products: none expected
11. Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
LD50 oral, rat ( estimated ) > 2000 mg/kg body mass.
LD50dermal, rat (estimated) > 2000 mg/kg body mass.-
LC50 respiratory, rat - N/A
Skin-irritating effect, rabbit – N/A
Eye-irritating effect , rabbit – N/A
Skin sensibilitation – N/A .
Chronic toxicity
: N/A.
Remote effects: no data available about the specific effects of the main ingredients.
12Environmental information
Do not allow pollution of the surface and subterranean waters.
12.1. Ecological toxicity – N/A.
12.2. Mobility - N/A.
12.3. Stability anddissociation – over 80% of the surfactants are biologically deсoposable.
12.4. Bioaccumulation potential – N/A.
12.5. Other undesirable effects- N/A.
13. Waste handling
Waste code: 20.00.00 ( Order № RD-323/ SN, issue 120/1998).
Disposal – solved in water and after that led into the sewage.
Package disposal – it is to be treated as household waste.
14.Transport information- it does not present any hazard in case of land transport
15. Information under the terms of the current normative
The preparation is not classified as hazardous.
Safety advice
S 2 Keep away from children.
S 13 Store away from food and beverages.
S 26 In case of contact with eyes wash them immediately with.
S 62 In case of ingestion do not cause throwing up; seek medical aid and show the package or the label.
16.Other information
The data in the Information Safety List correspond to the level of contemporary knowledge to the date of preparation. Since the use of the information and the usage conditions are beyond the company’s control, the consumer of the products is responsible for its safe application.
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